
The People List

This is just a list of people mentioned in this history.

family & friends

Alec Stanley Davis  - 59th Regiment, 164 Battery "B" Troop, my dad
Ivy Mary Davis (nee Harvey) - AA plotter ATS, my mum
Stanley Davis - my father's cousin
Syn Pullen - 9th Battalion Royal Fusiliers
Ted Sears - neighbour & distant relative
Thomas Harvey - Gunner RA, my mother's brother
Norman Davis - Drummer, Gloucester Regiment, Dad's brother
Joan, Peggy & Edna Davis - Dad's sisters

59th Regiment HAA ex-servicemen

Bill Church  - initially 164 Battery, then transferred to HAC (Honourable Artillery Company)
G.W.Johnson   - 164 Battery
A.S.Cross   - 167 Battery
H.R. ("Bob") Glover   - 265 Battery
Ted Birt   - 265 Battery
Bert Scott - possibly 59th Regiment R.E.M.E.
Bill Salisbury

the famous few

Winston Churchill - British war-time leader
Roosevelt - US war-time President
Stalin - Soviet war-time leader
Adolf Hitler - German war-time leader

Eisenhower - US & Allied Troop commander, Operation Torch
Bernard Montgomery - General, British 8th Army

Rudolf Hess senior German politician

Winifred Emma May - Patience Strong